
The Seattle Lawn Renovation Checklist: Top 10 Reasons for Renovation

2023-11-26T12:20:35-08:00By |

Combatting Wear and Tear: Frequent activities like a summer pool setup, regular foot traffic, or neglected fall leaves can degrade your lawn's natural beauty. Regular maintenance is key to preserving its aesthetic appeal. Adapting to Climate Extremes with Lawn Wetting Agents: Seattle's varied climate, from scorching summers to cold winters, can challenge your lawn's [...]

Seattle Area Sustainable Lawn Tips

2023-10-22T18:56:41-07:00By |

"Grass-cycling" or mulching your lawn with grass cuttings is very important to sustainable lawn maintenance. When mulching you are reintroducing nutrients back into the grass and not contributing to landfills. Keep in mind that you have to cut your lawn more often in order for this to work. Many people believe that mulching a [...]

Is Seattle’s Changing Weather Affecting Your Lawn?

2023-10-22T18:58:22-07:00By |

As many have noticed, 2015 brought a record early spring. March in Seattle is typically cold and wet. This year, warm spring air and blooming flowers came in the middle of February - a month early! I have lived here all my life and have never seen such an early spring. June was the [...]

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